Editorial policy
Papers submitted to the conference should report your original work, unpublished before. They could be either experimental or theoretical and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Any act of plagiarism or self-plagiarism is unacceptable and academic misconduct will not be tolerated. If an author is found to commit an act of plagiarism, we will reject the article submitted or delete the article from the final publications.
Fabrication of data is an egregious departure from the expected norms of scientific conduct, as is the selective reporting of data with the intent to mislead or deceive, as well as the theft of data or research results from others.
Reviewing process
A preliminary review was conducted by conference editors to make sure all papers are included in the scope of this conference, if not, the submission will be rejected or seggested to other applicable conferences. The author names, emails and affiliations were removed constantly when they are sent to conference committee members(reviewers) for peer-review.
Each reviewer will be asked to fill in the reviewing form and 8 criterias in total are to be scored (Y/N), including:
- Originality: Is this article relevant to the subject coverage of the conference?
- Motivation: Does the problem considered have a sound motivation?
- Repetition: Have significant parts of the manuscript already been published?
- Content: Does the article include the following parts: Author information, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods and Materials, Conclusions, References
- Conclusion: Could the research contribute to relevant fields?
- Reference: Is the reference adequate, necessary and well cited?
- Language: Are the presentation and language accurate and concise or still needs further improvement?
- Diagrams, figures, tables and captions: Are they essential and clear?
An overall evaluation or detailed reviewing result(if any) will be given. In the end of the form, the final decision of Accept/Revision/Reject should be selected. When it is marked by Revision, we will have a double check of the revised papers before acceptation.